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Bee Grateful

As we transition from 2018 into 2019 there are a bounty of blessings to be grateful for. Air in the lungs,

clothes on your back, food in your cupboards, warmth with a roof over your head. Start with the basics,

then count your blessings up to the current moment. Moments are filled with abundance. This year the production of paintings continue with bees & roses, a dozen to be exact. Its no secret that all works I create are to have a purpose. "Parva sub ingenti", that's latin for, "the small are protected by the great." Why just create pretty paintings when you can make a difference at the same time. Its as if to inject yourself with all the methods of the fountain of youth cup; botox, fillers, injections, implants...what good is it if you are without purpose of improving your internal self. Inner beauty,

the stuff all dreams are made of. Begin with yourself and all things great and small that draw up our universe as everything outside of you is within. Grab your vitamins, your moisturizer, maybe a honey mask for a jumpstart, I choose to change the world, one painting at a time, anthropomorphically. My current works are of Bees, who carry a large responsibility for many of the fruits & vegetables you consume every day. Bees are so much more than honey, honey.

The series of "Bee" paintings are inspired by the recent decline & extinction in the bee population. The whimsical, anthropomorphic colorist palette has brought life to this serious subject matter that’s been described as “Georgia O’Keefe has tea with Walt Disney” into my arena of creativity.

The U.S. placed 7 species of bees on the endangered list as of July 2016 & in October of 2016 the “yellow faced bee” was put on the extinction list. Ironically, my first painting of the series, "Bee Aware", sold the

same month that the first bee was put on the extinction list, October 2016.

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” ― Albert Einstein

The following year was a year of growth, death and rebirth. From losing my poodle, "Jyoti" to the death of my 90 year young father in his airplane. When your buddy and your hero graduate from life into the afterworld, its really a celebration of freedom. For those left behind with an anchor of attachment and box of memories, it's a curve ball that'll send you into left field looking to find a way out of sadness. 2017's productivity, as an artist, was not at its highest level, yet awards were given at the Cincinnati ACA Show that year that brought my mother and I on a great uplifting vacay after father's death & moving home. Roles changed as I now take my mother under my own wing, protecting her from the elements of life, just as she did I. Its back to the nest I was born in. You can never give back to your mother all that they've done for you. My "Queen Bee", it is my duty to take care of her. It was that very year I won the "Best Floral Award 2017." This experience in Cincinnati with my mother and the award ceremony gave inspiration to create more flowers to blossom and bee the best that I can bee.

"The busy bee has no time for sorrow."

- William Blake

Thanks to the 2018 ACA Show in Cincinnati, Ohio last fall-winter, I was awarded "Best Floral Artist" for the second year in a row along with two "Contract Awards" from two different galleries that were

prestigious jurors of the show. Although we couldn't attend in 2018 due to a broken hip that mother

received that year. They're Assistant Gallery Manager, Cassandra Pennington, was gracious to call and to not only congratulate one of their artists that couldn't attend, but with a concerned voice asking how

my mother was doing and if we were ever in Cincinnati again, how they wanted to show us the sites.

Thats an example of a top caliber of gallery and design consultants the ADC run while sailing a tight ship. They have given life to my creative spark to continue on my journey as an artist into 2019.

The ADC (Art Design Consultants) is one of the nation’s leading full-service art consultation companies of 25 years experience to the dedication to quality artwork with over 5,000 satisfied clients. Each year

the ADC hosts a juried show titled "Art Comes Alive." The show consists of an international fine-art contest & exhibit that awards the best emerging and professional artists. The founder, owner, Litza Spanos, cares passionately about the artist and has continued success in bridging the art world, artists,

clients & galleries as a whole. Thanks to her efforts, ADC currently ranks in the top 2% of all women-owned business in the nation.

A dozen 12" x 12" roses with their consorts of bees were created in 2018, two that landed three awards at the ACA and 10 sent as a bouquet of gratitude to Kansas to continue to blossom into 2019 at Gallery V Fine Arts. Valerie Phillips, owner & curator of Gallery V Fine Arts with experience of over 20 years, bestowed my artwork with one of the "Contract Awards" from the ACA show. Ms. Phillips is one of the prestigious jurors of the ACA Shows. Stay-tuned for a new blog, dedicated to her professional and exceptional gallery.

Its the simplest things in life that you must be attentive to. That cup of coffee that is brought to you,

that dollar in your wallet, the smile that brightened your day or unexpected phone call from your best

friend. We can't take for granted even the smallest of "bee"ings. Everyone has a purpose or job to fufill

in this lifetime. Bee mindful, bee grateful and bee friendly to those you meet on your path.

“Every saint has a bee in his halo.” ― Elbert Hubbard

"Bee Grateful" 12" x 12" x 2" Mixed-Media Oils on Panel

Currently available at Gallery V Fine Arts in Overland Park, Kansas.


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